Whiting, NJ


Note: Paul Wannamacher’s new phone number is: 732-941-4597


Board of Trustees

Crestwood Village Six



Pertaining to

Clubs, Organizations, Activities and Special Activities

That are

Dependent of Crestwood Village Six

(Revised 12/14/22)


The following guidelines for by-laws, rules and regulations, have been created by the Crestwood Village Board of Trustees to reduce liabilities, insure the compliance with federal and state laws, create a safe and comfortable environment for people to participate and enjoy the diverse offerings available to the resident of Crestwood Village Six. This pertains to only those activities or clubs that are classified as dependent of CV6.

The Board of Trustees of Crestwood Village Six retain the rights granted to them under the law to authorize the formation of any club, organization, activity, or special activity. It also retains the sole right to resend that authorization if it is for the good of the community based on just cause.

It is understood that membership is open to all Crestwood Six residents (except if specifically limited for valid reason) and that certain clubs organization or activities are open as an inter-community endeavor and has been approved by the Board of Trustees.



  1. No club, organization, activity or special activity will be permitted without approval of the Board of Trustees.

  2. The proper procedure to obtain approval is outlined in the Board of Trustees Crestwood Village Six Policies and Procedures for Clubs, Organizations, Activities, and Special Activities.

  3. No use of Crestwood Village Six property, facilities, or services will be permitted without proper authorization and recognition.

  4. Once approved and recognized clubs, organization, activities may hold monthly meetings, executive board or officer meetings and any normally scheduled programs. However, any special activity, program, or exhibit must be separately approved by the Board of Trustees.

  5. Although the use of the Clubhouse is open to all Crestwood Village Residents and their guests, other individuals may enter the facility to meet residents, participate in festivities.

  6. Everyone is to behave in an appropriate manor and in compliance with the general rules and regulations that have been established in any club, organization, activity or special activity in any of the facilities or properties controlled by Crestwood Village Six and its Board of Trustees… If an individual is intoxicated, unruly, or acting in an offensive manor they will be asked to leave the facility. If they do not leave Manchester Police shall be notified to respond and formal action taken.

  7. For all clubs, organizations, and activities a list of the Executive Board and contact numbers must be supplied within five calendar days from receiving authorization to form the club or organization. If the Activity does not have an Executive Board it must submit the name and contact number for a minimum of two responsible individuals that are in a leadership role. An updated list must be provided annually on January 1st.

  8. The Clubhouse and any room including any equipment or furniture, if for the residents of the community of Crestwood Village Six first and foremost.

  9. The use of the Clubhouse and the use of furniture and equipment is a privilege extended to the residents of Crestwood Village Six and their guests. This privilege may be extended to residents from other communities for participation in a club, an organizations events, or for specific open special activities. This Privilege may be revoked for any violation of these guidelines governing the dependent clubs, organization, activities, special activities, or the rule governing the use of the facilities in general.

  10. The elected Board of Trustees of Crestwood Village Six shall be notified and consulted in any club, organization, or activity, or special activity for any financial expenditure that is greater than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00). This does not include an expenditure that have been pre-approved through the budget and financial planning of the club, organization, activity or special activity and reported to the Board of Trustees.

  11. Any club, organization, activity or special activity with greater than four thousand dollars ($4,000.00) in their account at the end of their fiscal year must have an internal audit completed. A copy of the audit shall be presented to the Board of Trustees within sixty (60) days of the end of the fiscal year.

  12. Any dependent club, organization or activity that retains greater than four-thousand dollars ($4,000.00) or more must present to the Board of Trustees a financial plan to address future expenditures.

  13. On a quarterly basis a financial status report must be supplied to the Board of Trustees and shall include bank statements, in addition to the ledger indicating all receipts and expenditures if requested.

  14. The elected Board of Trustees of Crestwood Village Six shall have the ability to veto the expenditure of any amount if it is other than normal operating expenditures. The veto power is intended to limit financial irresponsibility.